
Workshop for share in  NY

Workshop for share; SPark Workshop Brooklyn (office space) es un espacio creativo colectivo donde tiene acceso a estudios, espacio para fabricantes, personas con talento, herramientas, equipos, comodidades y otros servicios en un espacio de almacén actualizado y seguro. Ubicado en el vecindario Sunset Park de Brooklyn en 34th Street / 2nd Avenue, SPark ocupa más de 10,000 pies cuadrados y cuenta con una tienda compartida de carpintería, sala de conferencias, espacios de almacenamiento individual, cocina, aula, estudios privados y semiprivados que van desde 200 hasta 400 pies cuadrados.

Since Neuberg started the coworking movement in 2005, San Francisco continues to have a large presence in the coworking community and is home to a growing number of coworking places.Also in the Bay Area,  established Tech Liminal in 2009, a coworking place in In Miami new places have been opening their doors, among them is CityDesk. Coworking has also spread into many other metropolitan areas, with cities such a now offering several thriving coworking venues. The New York coworking community has also been evolving rapidly in places like Regus and Rockefeller Group Business Center. Several new startups like WeWorkhave been expanding all over the city. The demand for coworking in Brooklyn neighborhoods is almost never ending due to the rise in the Millennialsworkforce; nearly one in 10 workers in the Gowanus area work from home. The industrial area of Gowanus is seeing a surge in new startups like Coworkers, who are redesigning old buildings into new coworking spaces. In Brooklyn, in 2008, the first green focused coworking space in the US opened called Green Spaces, founded by Jennie Nevin and expanded in 2009 to Manhattan and Denver and has been a driving force for green entrepreneurship through the collaboration of coworking.

  • Rango de precios 150$ - 750$

Detalles Adicionales

  • ¿Con qué Gremios Compartes el Espacio?:(917) 548-7487
  • Ambiente del Espacio de Trabajo:Excelente
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